Friday, October 1, 2010

10th week = 50 days

Jenna has been schooling for 50 days, we are half way to our 100th day celebration. And I am happy to say that she is still loving homeschooling. Oh and I love it too. Today I did an assessment of what she has learned since the beginning of the school year. We are farther along with Math, Writing and Reading than I had expected to be. And it's all her doing, I go at her pace, which is a fast pace. I would expect that the pace will slow down as the work gets harder. But for now, I am keeping up with her as best as I can.

We continued with our Fall and Farm unit.

 We made homeade apple sauce which was very yummy. I showed Jenna the star that is in the apple and she made some apple star prints. The seeds from the apples are going to be used in a future project. She was amazed at how fast an apple turns brown when we left some apple pieces out. We also did some estimating of which apples weighed the most and then we weighed them.

Jenna learned about chickens this week. I read stories about them. We watched a hen laying an egg and a chick being hatched. She then drew pictures of a hen and rooster. And wrote some facts about chickens. I hard boiled an egg and Jenna drew a face on it. I had her take care of the egg, like she was a hen. She really enjoyed it. Then to finish up our study of chickens, she made a cute hen stick puppet.

Math- Horizon k book 2 - learning to count by 2's, odd and even numbers and review.

Writing - Handwriting without tears first grade - I had her write some previous spelling words to practice her writing and to make sure she is able to still spell them correctly. I also added some new spelling words which had long vowels and she spelled them all right. She wrote 6 sentences when we did her facts about chickens. I was very impressed on how neat her writing was and how she can write complete sentences with very little input from me.

Reading - OPGTR - We are on lesson 110 and she is picking everything up quickly. Six more lessons and we will be halfway through the book. We do seem to go at a faster pace, I do two new lessons a day and then we review them the following day and add two more. The only reason I am doing two, is that this is the pace that works for her. At age 4 she is a very good reader and I would say at least a first grade or higher level.

We are all caught up with our penpals and will be writing to new one's this month.

1 comment:

Karin said...

Glad you guys are enjoying Horizons! Are you going to continue with it after K?