Monday, August 2, 2010

The second week of school

Last night I asked Jenna if she likes homeschooling, and she said I like everything except for when we have to practice writing. She said, I love to write (which she does alot of outside of schooling), I just don't like when you make me practice writing in my school book. So I explained to her why we are practicing and that it's something that needs to be done daily in school. With a little moan, she said okay. So after some blog reading, I seen some writing centers set up in homeschooling rooms. Now I am inspired to set up a table for Jenna to get creative at with her writing. I told her about it and she is very excited. So I am thinking sometime this week, I will clear off my crafting table and set her up with her own writing center. I will gradually pick things up for her writing center at the dollar stores and such.

Today was a fun day at school. We read The little red hen and made stick puppets of the animals in the story, so that we could act out the story. Math went very well as usual and she is enjoying it. She was given new spelling words today and spelled them all correctly with her magnet letters. I am adding a bonus word, which will be love. She has spelled it luv in the past(which is what it sounds like), so I decided to make that her spelling bonus word. She also read alot from her phonic readers that I printed out this weekend and we went over some sight words. We talked about the season of summer and what words make us think of summer. And read a poem about the sun and colored it. Another great day here at Jenna Academy.


Summer said...

A writing center is a fantastic idea! You'll have to post some pictures. I'd love to see it when your done. :)

Angela said...

Love was a word Satori used to always try to write about a year ago. Of course she spelled it as "luv". So I wrote it up all fancy on an index card, and wrapped it up with a bow! She opened her gift word and "loved" it! :) She spelled it correctly every time since then.
- Angela